Today we’re providing some tips for welders on how to stay cool during summer. To help you stay safe and healthy, we’re outlining two common summer afflictions that many welders face, their symptoms and treatment. Finally, for businesses, we have an extra tip on how to reduce operational costs while providing a safe and healthy environment for your employees.
Heat Related Illnesses
Heat Exhaustion
Heat stroke occurs when your internal body temperature rises above 38°C (100.4°F).
Symptoms include headaches, nausea, dizziness, weakness, irritability, confusion, thirst and heavy sweating.
Treating heat exhaustion involves moving the worker from the hot area and providing cool water to drink. Workers experiencing symptoms are encouraged to utilize cold compresses or to wash their head, face, and neck with cold water. Non-treatment raises the risk of heat stroke.
Heat Stroke
Heat Stroke:
Heat stroke occurs when your internal body temperature rises above 40°C (104°F).
Symptoms include confusion, loss of consciousness, seizures and an extremely high body temperature. Some individuals may lose their ability to sweat.
Heat stroke is a medical emergency. The worker should be moved immediately to a cool, shady area. The area should have good airflow circulating to speed cooling. Cold, wet towels, and ice are recommended to help cool the worker, as heat stroke often coincides with the body’s loss of the ability to remove heat.
Stay Cool
Here are some tips to help you reduce the risks associated with high temperatures:
- Shift-shifting – If possible, try arranging your shifts so they’re earlier in the morning or later in the evening
- Improve air flow – Improving circulation and air flow will help to keep you cool
- Utilize personal cooling devices – Specific devices exist for welders to keep the forehead or neck area cool!
- Cool welding booths and stations – Depending on the setup or environment, this may not be entirely possible. If this is the case, try isolating the welding booths instead to limit heat spread.
- Utilize environmentally friendly options – Did you know that there are solutions to help keep you safe from welding fumes while reducing energy costs? Our custom solutions will purify the air of welding fumes and can recirculate the cleansed air to save on expensive cooling costs in the summer, or heating costs in the winter.
Tips for Welders
- Don’t go over amperage
- Get a good handle
- Stay light and flexible
- Stay hydrated
- Use cooling bands or personal cooling devices
- Wear lightweight and breathable materials
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